Sunday, December 28, 2008

The New Year

I have been posting on my other blog, so if you want to stay current, you will have to read there. I am in California for the Christmas holidays. The store is closed until Jan. 2. It's been a busy time, and after the first of the year, I am going to regroup and do some things differently, hopefully. The main thing will be to go on a diet. With so much to do, I need to lose weight to have more energy. I will be looking at different things for the store(s). I am in prayer about church projects. And, of course, awaiting lab results on the kidney evaluation. Now, that the celebration of Christmas is behind, we can start to focus on the New Year. And, already I can tell, it's going to be a busy one, but hopefully a good one!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Day Two

I've had my second visit to Jewish Hospital in Louisville. They drew blood, 8 tubes in fact, for more testing. I told the nurse if I start to pass out from lack of blood, just pick me up from the floor. I did just fine. Then, I met with the psychiatrist for about 45 min, and he said he felt I would be a good candidate based upon his evaluation. So, now, I know I'm not crazy, even though there may be those that would think otherwise. The lab results should be available in 2-3 weeks, at which point I should know if I am compatible to be a donor. Thank you for your continued prayer for both Brad (the recipient) and me.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Listen and Read

I listened to the message "A Miracle in the House" that Pastor Eric had preached about a week ago. Since John and I are usually away two Sundays a month, I like to listen to his messages over the internet in order to keep up on what is being taught. I pray that we take what we have, regardless of how small, and just like the widow and the oil, pour it out so that God can bless it mightily. And, may we expect to see a miracle, not only at the house of God, but at our own homes, as well.

Jackie gave me the book, "Extreme God Chasers". I have started reading it, and can already tell it will be one of those books that will challenge the way you think and feel about your relationship with God. She had read it because of hearing Pastor Eric talk about it, and I have heard him talk about it as well. So, now I will know to what they are referring. Wouldn't it be great if the body of Christ, as a whole, could catch the vision, and the miraculous power of the Spirit would become manifested on a regular basis? Would not our world be changed? Pastor, watch out for that "acrylic" podium---you could be blown away!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Day One

Everything went well with my appointment at Jewish Hospital. I had to drink a really, sweet orange drink as part of the glucose testing, and then they drew blood six different times. I felt well and did not become nauseated---yea! I then met with the social worker who asked many questions regarding my decision for kidney donation, as well as many questions regarding recovery. She said I must have thought everything out, and felt I was ready to proceed with my decision.

I talked with the transplant coordinator this morning, and all my lab results looked really good. My cholesterol level was a little high (that's from all the sweets I like to eat), but nothing to be concerned about. So, now I am scheduled for an appointment next Wed. with the psychiatrist. They want to be sure I'm not crazy for wanting to do this--haha! They will also draw blood to confirm my blood type, as well as for the tissue matching.

I feel at peace with all this. I know God is in control, and He has a plan. Thank you for your prayers as I continue on this journey.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

A New Journey

I am getting ready to embark on a new journey. Today, I am going to Jewish Hospital in Louisville to begin evaluation for donating a kidney. Yes, you heard right! This has been in the works for several weeks, but I just haven't shared with many until just recently. I shared with the youth on Thursday night, and with the leadership team at church last night. I am awake at this early hour since I have to leave home at 5:30 a.m. Blood and urine tests will be done today, as well as meeting with the social worker. There are various tests/exams that are required to determine if you're a suitable match for donation. The person I am doing this for goes to our church. Without going into details right now, let's just say God allowed our paths to cross, and God led me to this point where I would be willing to donate a kidney. I'll keep you informed as I get further information. Thank you for your prayers!

Monday, December 1, 2008


The Thanksgiving weekend is over. Now, on to the next holiday, Christmas. However, there were many (myself included) who started on Christmas before Thanksgiving. Normally, I would not have done that, but since I was getting items out of the attic to put in the store, I put my Christmas tree up, too. When I think of holidays, I think of "tradition". When I hear that word, I think about "Fiddler on the Roof" where Papa sings out "TRA--DI--TION". I can't remember any other words to that song, nor any other songs to that play. I just remember "TRADITION".

When thinking along those lines, what are some things that I or my family have "traditionally" done in the past? On Thanksgiving day, we go to John's sister's house in Lexington to be with his family at the noon meal. That is usually the only time we see his brothers/sisters during the year. I cooked scalloped oysters because that was the tradition brought into our marriage that John would bring the oysters (cooked by the wife, of course). While at lunch, the TV in the kitchen is always on, and the Kennel Dog Show (or whatever the name may be) is showing. So, if you're not talking with one another, comments are being made about the dogs on TV. Exactly, where does that fit in with Thanksgiving? Of course, if you don't like dogs, you can always watch the football game which is on in the family room. After leaving there, we come back to Columbia, and have supper at my parents' house, bringing with us the rest of the oysters which were not eaten at lunch. John had smoked a turkey the day before, so that was our contribution to that meal as well.

On Friday, I went to Wal-mart at 5 am, and I must say, that was my first, and probably my last time of shopping Black Firday in the early morning hours. Not worth the hassle. So, I will not be making that a tradition. I just wanted to experience it one time.

Upcoming plans: Write a Christmas letter, mail out cards, go to parties, wrap gifts, decorate some more. All for the sake of Christmas. Who came up with all these traditions? How did giving thanks and celebrating Christ's birth become so complicated? How do we get out of the circle of "tradition"? Maybe I should just watch "Fiddler on the Roof" and relax a bit!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Where Does the Time Go?

On Thursday, I indicated I was back, and now it's Monday night, and I still haven't blogged. Where did this weekend go? Well, I'll tell you. Friday evening, I had dinner at my parents' house, then went home to get things ready for the next day. Sat. morning, I helped Jackie and others with a local mission trip to an apartment complex for the elderly. We served breakfast, and I shared a devotional with them about the "seasons of life". That evening, John and I went to Nicholasville where CrossOver was having a fellowship dinner for the volunteers and board members. Sunday morning, we went to church; that afternoon, I drove my sister to Lexington to take her grandchildren back home; that evening, we went back to church. Today, I have been running errands. Where does the time go? Where does my energy go?

I have been reading John Grisham's novel, "Skipping Christmas", and you know, sometimes that doesn't sound like a bad idea. I mean the part about all the parties, decorations, etc that seem to consume our time. I don't mean skipping celebrating Christ's birthday. But, just before I wrote this, I had asked John if he wanted to help get the Christmas decorations out of the attic. We decided "not tonight---we'll rest".

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Where Have I Been?

Well, I have not posted for a few days due to technical difficulties. There was a short in the connection leading into the house on the telephone line, so the DSL quit working on Sunday. I sure have missed it. When I'm away on mission trips, it doesn't seem to bother me not having internet service. But, when I'm home, I like to email, keep up on the news, blog, etc. Since it's getting close to my bedtime, I don't have much to say tonight. Just wanted you to know "I'm Ba-a-ck".

Thursday, November 6, 2008

What Are Your Expectations?

I read this article yesterday on regarding high expectations abroad for Obama. Here are a few excerpts, and some of my thoughts/comments (in parentheses):

"French President writes, "Your (Obama) election raises in France, Europe and beyond throughout the world, immense hope." (Do they think he's a world savior?)

"Many see him as the 'epitome' of the American dream".

"The world has been 'seduced' by Obama's vision of change." (Interesting choice of words)

"Globalization requires more cooperation with a wider range of countries and organizations." (Is that where we're heading---one world government?)

"Obama could be forced into a 'devil's' choice between military action, or supporting an Israeli strike, or living with a nuclear Iran." (Again, an interesting choice of words)

"Countries around the world will compete for Obama's attention. Africa, elated over the election of America's first black president, may expect increased attention and aid from the U.S. Additionally, Muslims familiar with Obama's Kenyan father and middle name, "Hussein", may think he will be more understanding of their concerns. Will he embrace them or distance himself from them in an effort to prove he does not hold any bias?" (Time will tell)

Christians, PRAY!!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Now That the Election is Over . . .

I must admit, when they announced that Obama would be our next president, I got a sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach. Now, it didn't take me by surprise. However, the reality of the days ahead could be disturbing. I'm not saying that some of his ideas won't promote change, and maybe for the better, but the value system he carries on certain moral issues is what bothers me the most. I know he is pro-choice and believes in gay rights, amongst other things. His true religious beliefs are yet to be tested. So, I am praying (and I know others are too) that God will change his heart and his values, and that we, as Christians, will continue to pray for the betterment of this nation. We must not stop praying now that the election is over. In fact, this may be just the beginning of fervency in prayer.
But, there was a victory in the election---Proposition 8 was passed which means same-sex marriage will be overturned once again in CA. I know much prayer, fasting and campaigning went into this proposal, and God honored that. Again, Christians must stand up and fight for their rights and beliefs. We must no longer stand by the sidelines while our freedoms are being removed or tested. I know we can't stop or reverse all things that we don't like, but at least our voice, and God's voice, must be heard.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Mite-as-Well Shoppe

During the month of November, we will be open at our Hwy. 80 location each Tuesday, 10 am - 5 pm. We have been working on getting that store cleaned back up so it can be used for some additional services in the future. Further details will be shared once a plan is finalized.
Our store on Hwy. 55 in Columbia is open weekly Wed. - Sat. 9 - 5. We have color-coded tags there so that each month a certain color tag is on sale for 25% off. We have some items that are 50% off. Once items have been at the Hwy. 55 location long enough, they are moved to Hwy. 80.
Now, for anyone who has never shopped at our stores, the following is a list of the primary things we have to offer: furniture, books, housewares, collectibles, some antiques, Rada cutlery, etc. The only thing we currently are not selling is clothing. We try to add different inventory to our Hwy. 55 location each week. If you want to call and see if we have certain items, please feel free to do so - (270) 384-0900. If we don't have it out on the showroom floor, we might just have it in storage. We also have a "wish list" for those who want to leave their name/number when they are in search of a particular item. Or, you may email me:
Okay, there's my little infomercial. "Come by and shop -- you might as well."

Monday, October 27, 2008

Love is Love, Sin is Sin

Below is a copy of a letter that I wrote to the editor of one of our local newspapers:

I read with interest, as well as with sadness, the article "Love is Love" by a teen writer. It saddens me to know that yet another young person has bought into the idealogy that same-sex relationships are acceptable behavior, and that the Bible has been misinterpreted regarding this matter.

If you believe the Bible to be God's word, then that is what it is, regardless of how we want to interpret it. The issue of homosexuality is quite clear in the Bible, and has been written about in both the Old and New Testaments. The problem has arisen, that for those individuals struggling in this lifestyle, not a lot of Christian love has been shown, and to that end, sin has abounded.

I, in no manner, hate the homosexual. In fact, God has given me a heart of love and compassion for those who have found themselves in this situation. I volunteer in a ministry that reaches out to them and their families. God loves them, but He dislikes their sin. God created us in His image, and said "It is very good". However, when sin entered the earth, the gift of sexuality became distorted, thus leading to many acts of behavior of which God is displeased. Yes, we must love all mankind if we are going to call ourselves Christians. However, we cannot condone sin, even when society has deemed it acceptable. Love is love, but sin is sin.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Autumn is in the Air

I prepared snacks for the youth group tonight. I thought, since it is October, an autumn theme would be nice. I decorated the table with some "fall" crafts, golden color tablecloth, and a pumpkin scented candle. I fixed pumpkin bars, peanut butter bars, and caramel oatmeal bars. We had hot apple cider and cold apple juice. We divided into small groups, and we had 16 kids plus John and I, in our jr. high group. That was great!! I want so much to deposit some positive values into their lives. I explained to them the difference between "Hallelujah Night" vs. Halloween. The lesson was on comparison, and God's calling on Gideon's life. Even though the weather is cooling down, the spiritual expectancy at Higher Praise Church is heating up! Go God!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

What's In a Name?

When trying to decide what I wanted to name this blog, I thought about why I wanted to start another blog when I already have one: The name for it: REVOLUTION: "Let's Change Our World". I talk about my life at home and on mission trips. I share spiritual lessons God is teaching me, and embed videos that speak to my spirit. When I started that blog, I thought I would share about my faith in God, my volunteer work with CrossOver Ministries, and the business I share with my husband, John, which is a thrift store called Mite-as-Well Shoppe. Since I really don't share a lot about our business on that website, I might do some "free" advertsing on this one.

The name Mite-as-Well Shoppe came about as a result of a series of mishaps in a given week. The business started out as Country Bumpkin Thrift Shoppe. We shared the business venture at that time with Jackie, my sister-in-law. After a period of time, Jackie left the business, we bought a second property location, and then had two stores. One week, on a Monday, the large 6ft. sign was stolen from our Hwy. 80 location. On Wed. of that same week, a lady accidentally ran into the sign at our Hwy. 55 location. It was then, when I knew we would have to purchase new signs, that I decided to change the name.

I liked the idea of the sign looking like a wishing well. So, I wanted the name "well" to be in the name. The word "mite" came from the widow's mite in the Bible signifying a small amount of money. I wanted people to feel they could shop at our store and save money. So, after much thought, I came up with Mite-as-Well Shoppe, and when people comment on it, I say "You might as well".

Now, back to the Junque-n-More name. At the time when we were still Country Bumpkin and in partnership with Jackie, I had a sign painted up for our section of the store which I called Country Junque. That's just a fancy name for junk. John's not really fond of the word "junk", but I like "junque". So, when I started selling items on eBay, I made my user name chndlrjunque (that's short for Chandler). I figured since I'm doing this blog (without John's assistance), I could name it whatever I liked. The "n-more" will be for all those other things I like to talk about.