On Thursday, I indicated I was back, and now it's Monday night, and I still haven't blogged. Where did this weekend go? Well, I'll tell you. Friday evening, I had dinner at my parents' house, then went home to get things ready for the next day. Sat. morning, I helped Jackie and others with a local mission trip to an apartment complex for the elderly. We served breakfast, and I shared a devotional with them about the "seasons of life". That evening, John and I went to Nicholasville where CrossOver was having a fellowship dinner for the volunteers and board members. Sunday morning, we went to church; that afternoon, I drove my sister to Lexington to take her grandchildren back home; that evening, we went back to church. Today, I have been running errands. Where does the time go? Where does my energy go?
I have been reading John Grisham's novel, "Skipping Christmas", and you know, sometimes that doesn't sound like a bad idea. I mean the part about all the parties, decorations, etc that seem to consume our time. I don't mean skipping celebrating Christ's birthday. But, just before I wrote this, I had asked John if he wanted to help get the Christmas decorations out of the attic. We decided "not tonight---we'll rest".